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National scheme to support households in the field of energy from renewable sources.

The current procedure for the selection of proposals is for the implementation of investment C4.I2 "Support for energy from renewable sources for households" (C4.I2) from the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability of the Republic of Bulgaria. The implementation of the investment will use the best equipment for solar installations for DHW and photovoltaic systems up to 10 kWp, with which this procedure will comply with the Technical Guidelines for the application of the principle of "doing no significant harm" under the Regulation on the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism 2021/C58/01 of the EC ( Technical guidelines 2021/С58/01)

Deadline for submission of documents/application 

Start date: 05/09/2023 11:00 a.m. 

Deadline: 11/10/2023 5:00 p.m. 

The submission of a proposal for the implementation of an investment under this procedure is carried out entirely electronically by filling in a web-based application form and submitting the form and accompanying documents through ISM-ISUN2020, through the "E-application" module on the following Internet address.

The applicant enters ISM-ISUN 2020, after registration via email and password, selects the current application procedure from "Open procedures" and creates a new proposal for the implementation of an investment. The proposal is prepared by the Applicant according to the instructions given in the Instructions for electronic application (Appendix B). 

Important! The proposal for the implementation of the investment is signed with a valid Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) on the date of application by the Applicant or by an authorized representative/person of the Applicant. 

List of documents to be submitted at the application stage entirely electronically via ISM-ISUN 2020

1. Application form 

2. The documents specified in Item 10 

3. Notarized power of attorney to submit the investment proposal (Appendix I), when applicable. 

The form is submitted signed by the KEP. The application declaration (Appendix G) and, when applicable, a power of attorney for submitting the investment proposal (Appendix I) are submitted signed on paper, dated, scanned and attached to the ISM-ISUN 2020 or signed with the KEP and attached to the ISM-ISUN 2020). The remaining documents are submitted scanned and attached ISM-ISUN 2020. 


I. Documents for information 

Annex A: Technical requirements for evaluation of project proposals. 

Annex B: Sample instructions for completing an electronic application form and submitting a proposal for the implementation of an investment under the procedure for the implementation of investments by final recipients BG-RRP-4.026 "National scheme for supporting households in the field of energy from renewable sources" 

Appendix C: Conditions for the implementation of projects under the procedure for the implementation of investments by final recipients BG-RRP-4.026 "National scheme for supporting households in the field of energy from renewable sources" 

Appendix D: Criteria and Methodology for Evaluation of Investment Implementation Proposals 

Appendix E: Grant Agreement 

Appendix F: General Terms and Conditions 

 Annex K: Information on compliance with the "do no significant harm" principle 

II. Documents to fill out – Appendix G; Appendix H; Appendix I
